range AR
To: All groups
From: DenTonight Lyle Johnson WA7GXD successfully tested the terminal interface hardware of the TAPR TNC. This weekend's goal is to have the radio interface also tested. The 6502, RAM, PROM and serial port do seem to operate as expected, using a few assembler routines that Lyle burned into one of the PROMS.
The software group met again, and the parsing of VADCG tasks among members was accomplished. The beta test boards will attempt the following interface tasks:
1 ) TAPR board in a VADCG net...
Upon signing on and not receiving an I.D. from a TAPR NCS, the board will try to send a VADCG packet. If acknowledged (repeated), the board will either
a) use the coordinator-supplied VADCG address word installed in non-volatile RAM by the user, or
b)try sending messages to high-numbered boards, and use the first available address it finds.
2) VADCG board in a TAPR net ...
Upon hearing a board with a VADCG packet format, the TAPR net control station will immediately assume a digipeater role, if not already doing that, and translate each VADCG packet into TAPR format.
I am interested in knowing the best algorithm to use to find unused VADCG addresses in a network. Should I look for high or low addresses first? Telling the difference between TAPR and VADCG packets is easy, since the number of address bytes differs ( one vs. two).
More information will be forthcoming as the alpha tests progress!
73, Den KD2S
P.S. There will be an Alpha board at the Dayton hamfest. We will send a debugged board up to Pete Eaton WB9FLW, who is organizing a special Friday night packet radio get-together in Dayton. I will relay more information as Pete calls each packet group.
Hank, KA6M
Re K6HWJ's input in FM21's. We locally bought a bunch of these units about 2 years ago and not one has failed under reasonable service. We have them running 24 hours per day under link